"They say if you listen long enough a dad might just bare his soul. Interrupt him and he’ll sit silently, retreat into the shadows and never reveal how he's really feeling".

Aidan, Founder of The Modern Fatherhood ClubT

Our stories are what make us unique.

I believe in the importance of strong, resilient fathers and believe vulnerability and emotional connection are the core foundations of the modern dad.

Hey, I’m Aidan and this is my story.

Fatherhood is a phenomenal experience; it’s relentless but we give it absolutely everything! And you know what? Sometimes it feels like even under immense pressure it’s never quite enough.

No sign of struggle here.

You and I both put it down to me adjusting to the seismic shift of becoming a parent. Unless I admit that I’m struggling it’s not your responsibility to dig deeper.

Daddy Blues

Mark tells his story beautifully! It’s raw and he willingly shares the details of his struggle without complicating the message. There is no bullshit and that’s what drew me to his story. He communicates at a level that translates to any new dad and frankly, it should be made available to every new parent.

What is Postnatal Depression (PND)?

Part 1.

"I knew something was up. I had absolutely no idea that I was experiencing this!"

Your experience in the early days can shape the way you feel as a father and often overlooked we feel taking a back seat is the right thing to do, especially in the early days and during crucial mum and healthcare professional meetings.

What is Postnatal Depression (PND)?

Part 2.

The negative behaviours attached to her PND can spill out into the relationship and can have a knock on affect to your own health and well-being. This can result in you feeling under increasing pressure whilst trying to balance the demands of work, baby and your partner's wellbeing!

Supporting Mothers Returning to Work: Tips for Partners and Employers.

This post is dedicated to Teri, the mother of my children and the woman standing by my side as I embark on this crazy adventure.

The emotional toll of fatherhood

It's a fact…. your habits change and your relationships do too. Any healthy habits are hard to keep up because you're balancing work, supporting your partner and let's face it, it's not like parenthood gives you a moment to breathe.

The Transformative Journey of Fatherhood: Reflection, Growth, and Mental Well-being

This blog delves into the transformative journey of fatherhood, highlighting the challenges, sacrifices, and moments of growth experienced by fathers. The author reflects on personal experiences and the importance of self-reflection and mental well-being in navigating the complexities of parenting. From the initial struggle to finding balance and resilience, the blog emphasizes the need for fathers to prioritise their own health and embrace positive change. Through candid insights and lessons learned, fathers are encouraged to redefine their roles and create a positive impact on their families. The blog offers a message of hope, urging fathers to embrace self-reflection, seek support, and take proactive steps to navigate the challenges and joys of fatherhood.

The Power of Paternity Leave: Supporting Fathers, Strengthening Families

Discover the importance of paternity leave for the family unit, a father's mental health, and the need for better support for dads returning to work. Learn about eligibility, entitlements, and employment rights, as well as the benefits of taking paternity leave. Find out how to navigate the challenges of balancing work and fatherhood, supporting your partner, and creating a strong bond with your baby. Gain insights into the gaps in post-maternity care and the importance of employers offering enhanced paternity policies. Explore the impact of paternity leave on the family and how it can contribute to a more supportive and inclusive work environment.

Paternity Leave: Supporting New Dads and Building Stronger Families

Paternity leave is an essential time for fathers to bond with their baby and support their partner, but it often lacks proper support and understanding from employers and governments. It is important for new dads to understand their rights, explore available support options, and engage in open conversations with their employers to create a supportive work environment. By prioritising fatherhood and promoting work-life balance, we can build stronger families and foster a more inclusive society.

The Truth About Modern Fatherhood: Unveiling the Relentless Challenges and Need for Support.

Discover the truth about modern fatherhood and the relentless challenges it brings. Explore the mental and emotional toll, the constant juggling of responsibilities, and the need for support in balancing work and family life.

The New Dad's Guide: Navigating Fatherhood with Small Habits and Big Impact.

Explore The New Dad's Guide: Navigating Fatherhood with Impactful Habits. This insightful blog chronicles a new dad's journey through the challenges and rewards of parenthood. Discover the power of small habits and learnings from 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear to revolutionise your fatherhood experience.

From establishing a balanced routine amidst chaos to mastering habit stacking techniques, this guide offers actionable insights for modern dads. Embrace reflection, goal-setting, and accountability to create positive change. Join The Modern Fatherhood Club, a supportive community for dads seeking connection and growth. Begin your transformative journey today, shaping a fulfilling fatherhood adventure for both you and your family's future.

Overcoming Challenges as a New Dad: Embracing Atomic Habits for Lasting Impact

In the dynamic journey of fatherhood, challenges can often seem insurmountable. Embracing the principles of 'Atomic Habits,' this article provides actionable insights for new dads. Shift from 'too busy' excuses and forge ahead, supported by a community like The Modern Fatherhood Club.

  • Address sleep deprivation through manageable habits and foster deeper connections.

  • Balance work, family, and self-care by integrating small changes into your routine.

  • Conquer self-doubt by setting achievable goals, modelling resilience for your children.

  • Witness enhanced family dynamics and relationships through positive behavioral shifts.

Guided by 'Atomic Habits,' this resource empowers you to navigate challenges, fostering a meaningful and impactful fatherhood journey.

Breaking the Silence: Barriers to Men Opening Up About Their Struggles and Emotions

In this blog, we explore the barriers that prevent men from opening up about their struggles and emotions. The weight of pride, the cost of silence, and the burden of fatherhood are discussed. I share personal experiences, that emphasise the need to break down these barriers and seek support. The conclusion reflects on the transformative power of admitting the need for help and the importance of prioritising mental health for the sake of stronger relationships.

Getting Back on Track: Practical Strategies for Fathers to Rediscover Balance and Purpose

In this blog, we delve into the journey of getting back on track as a father. Starting with acknowledging struggles and taking the first step, we explore the challenges of unravelling the root causes behind those struggles. 

  • Finding support becomes crucial as we navigate through the process of moving forward. 

  • We discover the power of an early morning routine, emphasising the benefits of getting up and out to clear the mind. 

  • Exercise emerges as a significant contributor to mental and physical well-being, with practical tips for incorporating it into daily life. 

  • Reflecting on fatherhood helps us identify priorities and set meaningful goals. 

  • Regulating alcohol intake, managing distractions, nurturing human interaction, and finding balance between work and fatherhood all play key roles in the journey of rediscovering confidence and embracing change. 

By following these strategies, fathers can create a healthier and more fulfilling life for themselves and their families.

Career Dad Support: Strategies for Employers in the UK to Enhance Work-Life Balance

In this blog, we explore the challenges faced by career dads in the UK and provide practical strategies for employers to support them in achieving work-life balance. From navigating evolving societal expectations to addressing mental health challenges, discover how fostering a supportive environment benefits both fathers and organisations.

"In the absence of local community groups fathers are turning to the internet. More than 1.2m are committed to dad groups online."

Aidan, Founder of TMFC

"The problem is when it hits the fan you fear opening and looking weak! We're embarrassed and ashamed. All we really want is for you to listen, not offer an opinion just listen."

Aidan, Founder of TMFC

"There is therefore a two-fold issue, one, fathers must overcome the shame attached to being more vulnerable, and two, adequate support, facilities and resources must be in place to facilitate that dialogue."

Aidan, Founder TMFC


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